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by Matt Rogers at 11:08 AM
(17,149 Views / 0 Likes)
Lots of buzz this week on the new Fluval G series canister filters that are hitting the trade show circuit. These new filters are the result of over 3 million dollars in research. What does that get you? The ability to clean filter chambers without turning off the filter and a monitor that displays temperature, flow rate, conductivity in real and historical formats to name a few. More to follow as 3reef will be getting up close and personal with the Fluval G Series soon..

Fluval G Series Canister Filters

The Fluval G3 filter is rated for aquariums up to 80 gallons and has a flow rate of 180 gallons per hour with a power consumption of only 17 watts. The Fluval G4 filter is rated for aquariums up to 160 gallons and has a flow rate of 264 gallons per hour at only 28 watts.

More info:...
by Matt Rogers at 11:41 AM
(4,884 Views / 0 Likes)
The Grow Series LED lamps by Sunshine Systems are some of the more stylish non-aquarium LED lamps we have found. The GrowUFO LED lamp shown below is simply out-of-this-world cool. 8) The GrowUFO has some equally far-out stats: 90 1-watt LEDs that exceed the output of a 400w halide lamp and 80% more effecient, 12ft square coverage, only 6 lbs. and 11 year life cycle. One wonders if Sunshine Systems has heard of reef aquariums? Regardless, the GrowSpot lamp (last pic) would work on refugiums out of the box.

GrowUFO by Sunshine Systems

And if the GrowUFO is not big enough for you, check out their GrowPanel Pro Series: 300 1-watt LEDs that exceeds the output of a 1000w halide lamp with 50ft square coverage:

GrowPanel Pro by Sunshine Systems...
by Matt Rogers at 12:14 PM
(3,011 Views / 1 Likes)
Hat-tip to rimless reef for highlighting this amazing video. It's jaw dropping! Check it out:

Cnidarian Lifeforms
<object height="225" width="400">

<embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6079680&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="225" width="400"></object>
Cnidarian Lifeforms from Delrious on Vimeo.

Oh. And rimless reef's tank is not too bad either. :)
by Matt Rogers at 12:08 PM
(3,054 Views / 0 Likes)
Ecological Laboratories has hit the aquarium supplements / water conditioners scene with force this year releasing a full suite of Microbe-Lift products for both salt and freshwater aquariums. But what is really interesting to this 3reefer is their company history. Since 1976, this family-owned company has been cleaning up ponds, rivers, industrial sites - even some of that water around the Olympics in China last year so they know a bit about cleaning up water. One wonders if the knowledge will go one way or if aquariums will teach them a thing or two they can apply elsewhere. Let's call it the 'nano' factor. :) We are keeping an eye on Microbe-Lift!

Microbe-Lift's Special Blend

Special Blend contains denitrifiers that function without oxygen. These select microbes can remove aquarium nitrates by converting nitrate to nitrogen gas that bubbles harmlessly into the atmosphere under the anoxic conditions in aquarium filters and biofilms.

Do you use any...
by Matt Rogers at 6:57 AM
(3,365 Views / 1 Likes)
3reef got a prototype of the new Mag-Flip Metal Scraper over the weekend and it looks like a winner. They made the blade flexible but with limited bend. By doing so, the blade does not get permanently distorted when used slightly crooked in round corners or bow fronts. We will get scraping soon and let you know how it works out. The new Mag-Flip scraper blades should be out by the end of the year.

New Mag-Flip Scraper

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